Tag Archives: Alabama

A Day Trip to Mobile

Mom got a four day weekend! We hadn’t really gotten a chance to explore the area and had been told there were some great things to see in Mobile Alabama, so we drove the hour east to see the city.

Our first stop was a wildlife tour by boat in the Five Rivers Delta. It was Phoebe’s first time on a boat and she had a great time.

She loved the wind in her face and our knowledgeable and friendly tour guide even let her ‘drive’ the boat for a bit.

It was great to learn a little history, but unfortunately we didn’t get the chance to see any gators. After the tour we had two separate couples approach us and pay Phoebe compliments about how well behaved she was for the whole hour and a half tour.

The fresh air took a lot out of her though and she slept through most of lunch. We went to a viatnamese/southern cooking fusion restaurant that was fantastic. She did wake up in time to try some of their cheesy grits. Most of them even ended up in her mouth!

Mobile is proud to tell you they had the first Mardi Gras celebration in the country in 1703 and they are home to the Mobile Carnival Museum. In the first room they have some costumes you can try on. Phoebe didn’t understand why, if the mask was supposed to be on her face, it wasn’t supposed to be in her mouth.

There were dozens of old gowns dating back to the 1930s. Some of the most impressive pieces were these massive trains with intricate bead and feather work. I can’t even begin to guess the number of costuming hours on display there or how much one of these things must weigh.

Our last stop of the day was the Exploreum, a part science museum part children’s museum that seemed like the perfect way to ensure Phoebe would sleep for the entire ride home. They had a large ball pit which Phoebe was really hesitant about. I think not being able to see where her feet were going to land was distressing her. When we picked her up she was clinging to one ball and proceeded to drop and crawl after it all around the play area. Eventually it went over to a shelf with puzzles. She pulled one of the shelf and was enchanted by it.

She especially enjoyed discovering she could bang the pieces together to make noise and then that she could bang the pieces on other things and make more noise!

She climbed up onto the stage and crawled from one end to the other stamping the pieces on the stage and really enjoying herself.

It was a fantastic performance and afterwards she was a tuckered out baby girl. It was a great family day and we’re hoping we’ll get more chances to explore since a little over an hour west is New Orleans.