Tag Archives: Checkup

Phoebe’s One Year Checkup

My apologies for neglecting this blog for a while. It has been a busy month but I assure you the little lady is progressing quickly and happily. I will have some adorable videos up of her tomorrow, but for now I wanted to give the results of her one year check up.

Height: 30.3 inches 83%

Weight: 22.3 pounds 69%

Head Circumference: 17.7 inches 46%

The doctor found her in excellent health and was impressed at how stable she was on her feet already. She’s not only walking, but practically running and walking backward now too. Her blood tests all looked good although she wasn’t happy with getting needles for a blood draw and needles for a vaccination in such rapid succession.

Stay tuned over the next week for some videos along with the adorable photos of her interacting with her God-brother. I’m doing my best to collect all the photos from the people we were fortunate enough to have come visit for her 1st birthday.



Six Month Wellness Checkup

You might be asking why I’m posting a six month checkup update on her seven month birthday. Well her actual six month visit time would have been while we were on the road between Delaware and here. Phoebe’s doctor in Dover told us that delaying by a couple weeks and waiting until we were down here wasn’t a big deal. Now we’re a little more settled and Phoebe got a chance to see her new doctor.

I failed to write down all of her vitals, but her weight was 17 lbs 8 oz. The doctor assured me that her head size, height, and weight are all on the same growth curves she was on at the two and four month check ups.

I may have mentioned to some of you that her doctor in Dover thought he heard a heart murmur at her four month checkup. They referred us to a pediatric cardiologist, but they were booked until after our move date. The doctor listened closely for it here and gave Phoebe the all clear. He read off a list of symptoms associated with it and she didn’t match anything on the list. Apparently it’s not uncommon for them to appear when the baby and their heart are growing at slightly different rates. Whatever the cause, Phoebe’s heart is in tip top shape.

Really that’s the story of the whole checkup. Phoebe smiled at the doctor and got many compliments on her sunny disposition. She even got a book for being so good which she promptly started chewing on.

Her vaccines are up to date and once again the trick of making certain her feeding schedule for the day coordinated with when she got her shots worked like a charm. She had 15-30 seconds of crying and then realized being fed is better than being angry.

Here are some pictures of Phoebe enjoying being seven months old and with a clean bill of health.