Tag Archives: picnic

An Afternoon at the Park

About a mile away from our house there is a park we’d driven past many times, but hadn’t visited. A couple days ago things were quiet, all the chores and errands were done, and the heat wasn’t too oppressive. Sunscreen was liberally applied, a picnic was packed, and we were off. Phoebe was ready to go with her owl sun hat.

The journey was exhausting though and she had fallen asleep by the time we got there. It seemed like a good time for a 20 minute nap.

After waking up she became fascinated by the sunlight playing through the trees.

It didn’t take long for her to realize there was food though.

But what’s that? Daddy brought food for himself? Better check it out.

Oh yes, this is much better.

Daddy relented and cut a small piece of the apple for Phoebe to gum on.

What better way to end a day in the park than reading about Harold and the Purple Crayon? It’s one of Dad’s old favorites.

Overall, a pretty great day, wouldn’t you say Phoebe?