Tag Archives: Chocolate

Phoebe Tries BBQ and Chocolate

Phoebe has slowly been trying different foods. We’re relieved that we haven’t seen any signs of allergies yet, but we’re also thrilled because each food brings hilarious and cute facial expressions.

One thing I wasn’t expecting her to actually enjoy was a pickle slice. She chewed on it for a good five minutes and was pretty upset when we took the remnants away from her.

She’s had baked beans before, but these had a little extra kick to them and she still happily gobbled them down.

Her other new experience was chocolate. She loves chewing on plastic containers and this particular plastic container held a delicious chocolate mouse that I had with my lunch before passing the dish to her to finish the rest. Her face was great as she tried to figure out why some parts tasted good and some didn’t.

In case any of these images aren’t showing up, here’s a link to an album with all of them.   http://imgur.com/a/ziXTN